
By Grammy

Always the Bloomer

This journal entry is easy: I stayed in bed all day. Well, except to take meds, shower and water my plants in the basement. It had been weeks since they’d been watered. It shows too. But this trusty violet is still blooming even though I thoroughly neglect it. Terrible news: my sister tested positive for COVID. She and her hubby had escaped its clutches until now. They say this latest strain is super contagious. Sure hope it will be mild but she says she feels really sick. And I am in no position to help her. Thankfully, her hubby is a great cook. Maybe he’ll make her his delish cream of potato soup. Hubby is also starting to cough and have sinus issues. He is going to take a COVID test to be sure. It has rained all day. I think we got rain yesterday as well but I was oblivious of anything outside of this bedroom. At least today, my cough is much better, my aches are gone and I think I am on the mend. Thank you Lord. Sending wishes your way for a healthy and safe week. Thanks for your visit and get well wishes. “Growing violets is rewarding, as they demand little and give so much in return.” - Margaret Joan Roberts

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