
In complete contrast to yesterday’s dire weather, today dawned sunny but very cold. So cold that my windows were misted up and Daughter #1 had to scrape the ice off the hire car’s windscreen. Yes we were back to the beach this morning to take advantage of the good weather and have another endorphin fuelled cold water immersion before the next storm hits our shores tonight.

Also in contrast to yesterday when there were no beach walkers only the marginally mad sea dippers, today was busy with dogs and people glad to get out of their houses into sunshine. There were no other dafties baring all at groyne4- only us. We had the sea all to ourselves although we did heard shrieking coming from groyne 3.
It was really cold in the sea  but we warmed up with coffees in a MacDonald’s before handing back the car. 

In contrast to the MacDonald’s I had the pleasure of having nibbles and drinks this afternoon in a neighbour’s flat exquisitely revamped  during the summer. What a pleasure to see my view of the Meadows from a height, not to mention the luxury of underfloor heating.

Finally, Christmas Day and Boxing Day are almost done and dusted for 2023.

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