
By 58jc

Another day, another hospital appointment

We were hopeful it would be a quick in and out and then off for a walk at Morden Hall or a bit of shopping.  However it was not to be as the 'numbers' were too low and No.1 needed some platelets and blood.  They do their best and the hospital is brand new but spending 7 hours waiting and hanging around was not what No.1 wanted to be doing.  However cheerful and positive as ever she exchanged Felix Navidad with the lovely Spanish nurse administering the platelets and we were back home by 6.00.  Back again tomorrow to do it all again - and it will be blood this time.  Hopefully this will mean she feels better for Christmas and less tired and anaemic.  I am so full of admiration for her 'get on with it' mentality but I am sure it is taking it's toll.  Onwards and bloody upwards again.

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