
By 58jc


No.1 has a friend whose surname is Bell - hence the title of my picture today.  No name yet but born 6 weeks premature so she will have to finish the quilt pdq!

Second day of transfusions but only 4.5 hours today - OH took her while I had a hair appointment and then met No.2 to visit a local jewellers.  I wanted to get him a signet ring for his 30th birthday and had the idea of combining the gold from my Father’s wedding ring and creating a new ring.  However the costs were a bit silly so we decided to just buy a new ring.  He chose one which will be sized and hopefully collected before Christmas.

Home for dinner and a bit of chat but OH was not home until around 8.30 .  No sign of JC who was working late again, so No.1 was home alone for the evening.  Hoping that Christmas will be a restful time together and a time to re-set.  Loved ones are more important than bloody work and nobody said on their death bed ‘I wish I had spent more time at work’ !!!!!!!!

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