
I think this picture was taken at my 40th birthday? Lovely mum would have been 86 yesterday.

Productive day today with Christmas table arrangement made, red cabbage cooked for the freezer and new food processor tried and unpacked. I had already made dinner yesterday with slow cooked beef ( definitely casserole weather) so settled down to watch the football whilst scrolling and sewing. No.1 rang at half time and was not feeling well (caught OH cold on Tuesday) and was sad about ongoing hair loss. Christmas is going to be a strange time but we will all be together and can surround her with love. Radiotherapy almost done, only another week or so and then onto the next chapter. What a sh*t roll of the dice but trying to stay positive and taking a day at a time.

Penalties as I type and Argentina have won the World Cup! It never was ‘coming home’.

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