Bws prin a phwysig

Bws prin a phwysig ~ A rare and important bus

“The towns and countryside that the traveller sees through a train window do not slow down the train, nor does the train affect them. Neither disturbs the other. This is how you should see the thoughts that pass through your mind when you meditate.”
― Khyentse Rinpoche

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Unwaith y diwrnod mae bws T1C yn teithio o Gaerdydd i Aberystwyth ac o Aberystwyth i Gaerdydd.  Hyd y gwyddon ni, mae'n yr unig ffordd i deithio rhwng Caerdydd a Llandysul heb newid.  Mae'n fws mor bwysig i ni.

Ar ôl brecwast, gyrrodd Dri'mèd a Samten ni i'r arhosfa yn Llandysul. Dywedon ni ffarwel iddyn nhw yna. Aethon nhw adre i ddechrau pacio i fynd i ymweld mam Dri'mèd yn yr Almaen dros Nadolig.

Arhoson ni wrth y safle bws. Mae'r bws tipyn o ddirgelwch. Dydy e ddim ar yr amserlen yn yr arhosfa’n, dydy e ddim bob amser yn ymddangos ar fap ar ‘’ hefyd. Felly mae rhaid i ni gael ffydd. Unwaith yn unig y mae wedi ein siomi, ac yn ffodus roedden ni yng Nghaerdydd ar y pryd, felly aethon ni adre i drio eto'r diwrnod nesa.

Beth bynnag, roedd y gwasanaeth yn rhedeg y bore Dydd Sul hon, gyda'n gyrrwr arferol hefyd. Rydyn ni'n meddwl mai hi'n cydnabod ni nawr. Mae hi'n bob amser hapus ac yn cyfarch bob teithiwr gyda gwên.

Mae'r daith yn cymryd tua thair awr ac yn mynd trwy lawer o dre fach. Cyrhaeddon i yng Nghaerdydd yn gynnar yn y prynhawn ac yn cymryd tacsi. Ble bynnag rydyn ni wedi bod, rydyn ni bob amser yn hapus i ddod adref.

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Once a day a T1C bus travels from Cardiff to Aberystwyth and from Aberystwyth to Cardiff. As far as we know, it is the only way to travel between Cardiff and Llandysul without changing. It is such an important bus to us.

After breakfast, Dri'mèd and Samten drove us to the stop in Llandysul. We said goodbye to them there. They went home to start packing to go visit Dri'mèd's mother in Germany over Christmas.

We stopped at the bus stop. The bus is a bit of a mystery. It's not on the timetable at the stop, it doesn't always appear on a map on '' either. So we must have faith. It has only disappointed us once, and luckily we were in Cardiff at the time, so we went home to try again the next day.


Anyway, the service was running this Sunday morning, with our usual driver too. We think she recognizes us now. She is always happy and greets every passenger with a smile.

The journey takes about three hours and passes through many small towns. We arrived in Cardiff early in the afternoon and took a taxi. Wherever we've been, we're always happy to come home.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Mynd ar fws yn Llandysul
Description (English): Getting on a bus in Llandysul

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