Addurniadau Nadolig yng Ngorllewin Cymru

Addurniadau Nadolig yng Ngorllewin Cymru ~ Christmas decorations in West Wales

“Realism without naturalism... is a leading motif in Modern Art. There is a move away from the struggle to perfect the reflection of Nature in Art's mirror, which I attribute to the all-pervading effects of photography...You must serve the tradition without being its slave. Remember you are an artist, not a draughtsman.”
― Tom Holt

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Ddydd Gwener. aethon ni i lawr (neu ar draws?) i Ddrefach Felindre yng Ngorllewin Cymru. Rydyn ni'n aros gyda'n ffrindiau. Rydyn ni'n mynd i gyd i ddathliad heuldro yn Drala Jong ddydd Sadwrn, ond rydyn ni'n dros nos gyda Samten a Dri'mêd ychydig o filltir i lawr y ffordd.

Roedden ni'n hapus i weld eu bod nhw cael yr un ‘traddodiad’ yma ag yn yr Eglwys Newydd - Addurniadau ar ben y blychau post- yn yr achos hwn, coeden Nadolig, cardiau ac anrhegion.

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On Friday. we went down (or across?) to Drefach Felindre in West Wales. We stay with our friends. We're all going to a solstice celebration in Drala Jong on Saturday, but we're staying overnight with Samten and Dri'mêd a few miles down the road.

We were happy to see that they had the same 'tradition' here as in the New Church - Decorations on top of the post boxes - in this case, a Christmas tree, cards and presents.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Top gwau ar flwch post- yn ngorllewin Cymru
Description (English): Knitted top on a postbox - in West Wales

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