Rhosyn wedi rhewi
Rhosyn wedi rhewi ~ Frozen rose
“What I like about Photography is that it takes moments that should have been forgotten, and just Freezes them, and allows us to share it with everyone and share it with future generations. But theirs is also the sense of Secrets of the picture, or the stuff you don’t know, or don’t see. You don’t really know what happened before or after a picture its like time is just frozen in that moment.”
― Jesús Holguin
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Roedd hi'n oer iawn heddiw, -7°C yn yr ardd. Serch hynny aethon ni allan i wneud tipyn bach o siopa - yn bennaf mewn ‘Iechyd Da’. Maen nhw'n eithaf prysur ar hyn o bryd ond maen nhw'n mynd i gael gwyliau am wythnos ar ôl Nadolig. Rydw i'n meddwl eu bod nhw'n gall. Rydw i'n dymuno byddai mwy o fusnesau yn cau am ychydig o ddiwrnodau ar ôl Nadolig - mae angen seibiant ar y staff. Pan roeddwn i'n gweithio i'r Brifysgol roeddwn i'n arfer mwynhau egwyl y Nadolig oherwydd roedd y Brifysgol gyfan gwbl, felly roedd yr adeg rhwng y Nadolig a'r flwyddyn newydd yn dawel iawn - gwarantedig. Pan ddaethon ni'n ôl, roedd fel y lle wedi ei rewi mewn amser. Dyna seibiant iawn.
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It was very cold today, -7°C in the garden. Nevertheless we went out to do a bit of shopping - mainly in 'Iechyd Da'. They are quite busy at the moment but they are going to have a week off after Christmas. I think they are smart. I wish more businesses would close for a few days after Christmas - the staff need a break. When I worked for the University I used to enjoy the Christmas break because the University was completely closed, so the period between Christmas and the new year was very quiet - guaranteed. When we came back, it was like the place was frozen in time. That's a proper break
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