
By LifeLines

One good thing about the allotment at this time of year is that there’s usually something positive to see. Be it the first green shoots of garlic, the seed heads of summer flowers, or in this case, the vibrant colours in the leaves of the Logan berry.

I was up today, just as the light was appearing in the sky. After a bowl of porridge and relaxation time, I was out with Merlin. The deer come down to feed in the meadow at this time of year, so we sometimes see them if we are out early or at dusk. Not today though, so we enjoyed watching buzzards gliding on the currents of air high above us instead.

Hard to believe it is only a week until Christmas Day.

Grateful today for:
- Eating breakfast and watching the light appear in the sky.
- To be able to choose how to spend my day.
- The birds who are still singing in the hedgerows and cheering our days.

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