Yr unig ffordd i ddysgu yw ei wneud

Yr unig ffordd i ddysgu yw ei wneud ~ The only way to learn is to do it

“Our houses are such unwieldy property that we are often imprisoned rather than housed in them.”
― Henry David Thoreau

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Rydw i wedi bod yn meddwl am wneud  gludwaith gyda ffotograffau printiedig - roedd dyna un o'r r rhesymau pam y prynais y camera. Cefais fy ysbrydoli gan ‘Joiners’ gan David Hockney, ar roeddwn i'n meddwl y byddwn yn ceisio rhai fy hun.  Mae'n ddyddiau cynnar eto. Dydw i ddim yn gwybod faint o luniau rydw i angen a sut i greu  gludwaith. Yr unig ffordd yw tynnu ffotograffau, printio nhw, a rhoi nhw gyda gilydd ac yn gweld y canlyniad. Efallai y byddaf i'n ceisio torri'r fframiau i ffwrdd y tro nesaf. Bydd e'n arbrawf parhaus.

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I've been thinking about making a collage with printed photographs - that was one of the reasons I bought the camera. I was inspired by 'Joiners' by David Hockney, but I thought I would try some myself. It's still early days. I don't know how many photos I need and how to create a collage. The only way is to take photographs, print them, and put them together and see the result. I might try cutting the frames off next time. It will be an ongoing experiment.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Gludwaith o ffotograffau o'r tŷ ni
Description (English): A collage of photographs of our house

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