Yn ôl galw poblogaidd

Yn ôl galw poblogaidd ~ By popular demand

“I am intrigued with scriptural mythology that tells us that God created a divine feminine presence to dwell amongst humanity. This concept has had a constant influence on the work. I have imagined her as ubiquitous, watchful, and often in motion. This work is, in effect, the photographic image of the invisible.”
― Leonard Nimoy, (‘Shekhina’)

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Unwaith y mis mae Nor'dzin yn mynd i Sefydliad y Merched ac rydw i'n cwrdd â fy mrawd yn y dre.  Heddiw roedd y diwrnod fel 'na. Wrth gwrs tynnais i lawer o ffotograffau yn y dre ond heddiw maen nhw wedi bod yn eclips gan wisg Nor'dzin - aeth hi i Sefydliad y Merched fel Coeden Nadolig. Pryd bynnag mae hi'n gwneud gwisg, mae pawb eisiau ei weld, felly dyma hi - yn ôl galw poblogaidd.

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Once a month Nor'dzin goes to the Women's Institute and I meet my brother in town. Today was the day like that. Of course I took a lot of photographs in town but today they have been eclipsed by Nor'dzin's outfit - she went to the Women's Institute as a Christmas Tree. Whenever she makes an outfit, everyone wants to see it, so here it is - by popular demand.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Nor'dzin gwisgo fel Coeden Nadolig
Description (English): Nor'dzin dressed as a Christmas Tree

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