
By tridral

Dos dwbl

Dos dwbl Double dose

“People who look for symbolic meaning fail to grasp the inherent poetry and mystery of the images.”
― Rene Magritte

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Dydd Mercher eto. Maen nhw'n dod rownd yn gyflym.

Es i i'r dosbarth Shibashi yn yr Earl Haig. Hwn oedd y dosbarth olaf ond un am eleni. Byddan ni'n ddosbarth olaf wythnos nesa, ac yn dechrau eto'r wythfed mis Ionawr

Roedd y diwrnod yn oer iawn gyda gwynt brathog. Cymerais i amser crwydro'r fynwent fel arfer.

Mae'n llawer i ddysgu o'r cerrig beddau. Pethau rydyn ni'n gwybod i gyd, ysgrifenedig ar garreg. Dych chi'n gallu gweld pan fydd rhieni wedi colli plentyn, neu adegau pan oedd un partner wedi byw ers blynyddoedd hirach mawr na'r arall. Cefais i fy nharo gan yr hap. Does dim dweud pa mor hir rydyn ni'n mynd yn byw. Rhaid i ni fod yn ddiolchgar am yr amser sydd gennyn ni nawr.

Ar y pwnc hwnnw es i at y meddyg yn y noswaith. Rydw i wedi bod yn ddiolchgar am y driniaeth o'r GIG, meddygon, derbynyddion, fferyllwyr - yr holl. Roedd y meddyg yn hapus i weld fy oeddwn i gadw cofnodion, ond roedden nhw dangos doedd fy mhwysedd gwaed ddim yn mynd i lawr. Felly rhagnododd hi ddos dwbl Amlodipine i fi. Un o'r pethau am dyfu hen, mwy o foddion. Gwelais i fe gyda fy rhieni, a nawr mae'n fy nhro.

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Wednesday again. They come round quickly.

I went to the Shibashi class at the Earl Haig. This was the penultimate class for this year. We will be the last class next week, and start again on the eighth of January

The day was very cold with a biting wind. I took time to wander the cemetery as usual.

There is much to learn from the tombstones. Things we all know, written on stone. You can see when parents have lost a child, or times when one partner had lived for much longer years than the other. I was struck by the randomness. There's no telling how long we're going to live. We must be grateful for the time we have now.

On that subject I went to the doctor in the evening. I've been grateful for the treatment from the NHS, doctors, receptionists, pharmacists - all. The doctor was happy to see that I was keeping records, but they showed that my blood pressure was not going down. So she prescribed me a double dose of Amlodipine. One of the things about growing old, more means. I saw it with my parents, and now it's my turn.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Amlygiad dwbl o Eglwys y Santes Fair a choed yn y fynwent

Description (English): Double exposure of Saint Mary’s Church and trees in the graveyard

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