Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Departures Board in Amsterdam

Arrived safely in Rio, after a stressful start when somehow Bb’s phone alarm didn’t go off and the taxi company called us to say they were waiting at the top of the passageway. We’d booked it for 3.45 and this was already 4.15am. We were up and out in 10 minutes!  

Both flights good - Bcn to Amsterdam and then onwards to Rio. The heat and humidity hit us on stepping out the airport, not helped by our long sleeves and long trousers, which were needed on the flights. 

We’ve half unpacked our 12 kilos each of carry on luggage - lightly packed trolley bag and backpack. Always good when you don’t have to wait for luggage on arriving. We're now in shorts and vests and just back in from having a walk round the block and a beer and are now falling sleep, 3.30am our body time. 

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