No Through Way For A King, Aylesford

My first day ever working from home and, after a few teething problems, I managed to slowly but surely get through quite a bit of editing. The only thing I could not solve was getting the laptop to recognise my wireless mouse so I just had to get used to using the touchpad instead. Not being used to it I had a bit of cramp in my hand by the end of the day.
The editing was broken up by a lunchtime walk down to the village for a swift pint with my brother. It was a glorious sunny but cold winter's day - just the kind of day I love. Today's shot is my unusual take on the archetypical Christmas tree image. This one sits in the centre of our village square and it looked rather splendid. The High Street, however, was being dug up again for the road to be relaid so it was quite noisy walk back  home.
I've discovered I rather like working from home so I'm hopeful I'll get more opportunities to do so!

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