Yn ffeindio fy rôl

Yn ffeindio fy rôl ~ Finding my rôle

“The role of the artist is to make the invisible visible.”
― Rene Magritte

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Mae'n ddim ond yr un toes mewn siâp gwahanol...

Weithiau rydyn ni'n hoffi cael rholyn bara, felly heddiw gwnes i'r un toes fel arfer, ond ei dorri i'r rhannau. Cawson ni dau heddiw a rhoi'r gweddill yn y rhewgell. Syml a cyfleus ac yn dda iawn gyda byrger.

Rydw i wedi amlwg ffeindio fy rôl ...

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It's just the same dough in a different shape...

Sometimes we like to have a bread roll, so today I made the same dough as usual, but cut it into pieces. We had two today and put the rest in the freezer. Simple and convenient and very good with a burger.

I've obviously found my rôle...

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Rholiau bara ar ôl pobi
Description (English): Bread rolls after baking

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