Dail euraidd

Dail euraidd ~ Golden leaves

“The key is to integrate our art into our life, not the other way around.”
― Brooks Jensen, (‘Letting Go of the Camera: Essays on Photography and the Creative Life’)

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Heddiw roeddwn i'n mynd â llawer o bethau i'r pentref i roi i'r siop elusen oherwydd ein bod ni wedi cael dipyn o glirio. Mae'n dda i weld pethau'n mynd i elusen. Rydw i'n gobeithio bydd rhywun yn eu ffeindio defnyddiol.

Siopa yw siawns i grwydro ac yn treulio amser tawel o gwmpas y beddau yn y fynwent.  Roeddwn i yn y pentref fel roedd yr haul yn mynd i lawr ac roeddwn i'n hapus i dal yr haul isel trwy'r dail euraidd.

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Today I was taking lots of things to the village to give to the charity shop because we had a bit of a clear-out. It's good to see things going to charity. I hope someone finds them useful.

Shopping is a chance to wander and spend quiet time around the graves in the cemetery. I was in the village as the sun was going down and I was happy to catch the low sun through the golden leaves.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Dail aur ar fachlud haul
Description (English): Golden leaves at sunset

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