a new year!

By Thesalh70

Fun in the sun with the Silver Boys!

oh yes, that's rights....it's Saturday morning and i'm awoken by my alarm....at 6,30am....on a Saturday morning!!! Why oh Why??! because i'm attending my Speed Awareness course in Nottingham, and if i'm not there by 8am i'll be fined again!!

chop chop then speedy speederson, into town by 7.30am. Cafe nero coffee (£2.25 for a grande), and i'm at registration by 7.45am. good to go.

course was until 12 noon, and we had a break at 10.30am....coffee at the Crowne Plaza (£3.25...for a small one!!, and it didn't taste 4 star!). on the whole the course was good, a good reminder, and some good tips to be honest. funny story....there was a young lad there who'd been caught speeding on his driving lesson!!!

homeward bound, and picked Pete up, then off to Silvers for a walk to Bestwood Country Park. Pete was well behaved bless him and enjoyed the attention from Ollie, Alfie and Jennie. A good long walk and then home.

Pete left to snooze, whilst i go shopping. back home, fish casserole (M&S) for tea, and a glass of vino to boot.

a lovely day, a little bit of speed awareness education, and a lovely afternoon out in the sun! can't be bad!

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