
By Munroist4113


A bit of a disturbed night. I had fallen asleep, wearing my Bluetooth headband, listening to a podcast and woke with a start to hear it ringing a WhatsApp. Ella had not been able to get to sleep and was worried she’d die in the night so needed her mum to promise she wouldn’t. I had to stay with her till she went to sleep. Consequently I was tired this morning though woke at 7 as usual.

We took the children to Woodhorn Colliery museum where we’d not been for years. Last time it was free but this time we paid and children were free. They followed the route round the history of mining in the area. Nathaniel was interested to read about Bobby Charlton who recently died. The information about pit disasters where children as young as 10 had died horrified them.

We looked for the pumpkins on the trail and found 35 of the 37. Then they make a spider each in the craft room while I looked at the exhibition by Jamie Sinclair called Hyem, (home) about the lives of asylum seekers in the area. There was also a lovely exhibit called Homing with 500 paper pigeons, made my local children. Homing pigeons and greyhounds were a popular pastime of people in the region. I also looked at the Pitmen Painters exhibition.

When we got home I was very cold so had a hot bath and took my book - then woke up in cold water.

Nathaniel finished his latest power point. This time he’s done Brazil. He managed to include a bit about football. Of course.

Mr C and Luke have taken them to the fireworks at Alnwick. I decided at the last minute to stay at home - I hate cold, damp, muddy fields, especially when it’s too dark to find my way around.

I was torn between the pigeons and a colourful proggy mat for my blip but decided on the pigeons.

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