I spent 6 hours in town today - haven’t done that for years! Went straight to the O2 shop when I arrived but then had to wait 15 minutes to be seen. I knew which phone I wanted but it still took 45 minutes to set up a contract etc- very pleasant sales assistant though so it didn’t really matter. Decided to get an Apple Watch as well as a phone. They said it would take 2 hours for t to mirror the phone and get everything set up which fitted well with my plans. Walked up to meet C at the contemporary quilting exhibition, browsing in a couple of shops along the way. Loved the exhibition, particularly some collections of 15 cm squares, all with differing ideas. Would love to have a go - will add it to the list!! I had to rely on C for photos of course- felt bereft without my phone! She didn’t take any of the small squares- but I liked this hanging too.
We went to Delilahs for a lovely lunch - definitely my favourite place in town - at the moment anyway- and no charge for water! Got back to O2 - phone ok but watch needed software downloading - another hour. Had to cancel Otis’ claw clip and browsed for another hour. Got back , had to wait for assistant to be free, had a t tutorial on using phone and watch and finally got on the bus for home. Sorted cables, plugs etc out when I got back and then made a list of things for foodbank stall in a couple of weeks. Walked down to Ls for the meeting and chat. Finally got caught in torrential rain as we left so A gave me a lift home.

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