a new year!

By Thesalh70

Working 9 to 5....

What a lousy start to the day. It was chucking it down. Worked at home first thing as off to a customer at lunch to take photos for a press release..hope this weather stops!!

Worked in the morning and set off at 11am, up the M1. Thankfully the weather held off and actually the looming black rain clouds added to the effect on the subject I was taking.

Back home and a good afternoon catching up. Finished and then off into Nottingham to watch the musical 9-5 with customers at the theatre royal.

A fab evening and we all enjoyed. Li, Claire, holl and Aunty Pam came too and enjoyed.

Still relatively light when we left town even though it was 10pm. Li insisted on having the rag top down as it was balmy!

A lovely end to a lovely day.

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