
A's splinter was still in her foot when she woke and she was quite unhappy for a lot of the morning as she would not let anybody touch her foot. Eventually, she was persuaded to bathe it in some warm water to see if the splinter would come out of its own accord as, having somebody remove it was the source of the fear. I don’t think did fall out but we managed to get out to Kew by about 2pm.

Kew Village Market takes place on the first Sunday of the month so we had the right day to wander the stalls and pick-up a snack.  Then into Kew Gardens via the Victoria Gate. I immediately realised that I’d forgotten to pick up a hat and the sun was blazing. So I nipped into the gift shop to buy a bucket hat which kept the sun off me for the day.

We walked to the pagoda and spent time in a couple of the palm houses. This picture is of the view from the balcony inside the Temperate House.  There are so many fascinating plants: we all got ourselves a bit lost and it was an exhausting visit (partly because of the heat).  On the walk out we stopped to see The Hive, which is billed as an “immersive experience” where, somehow the activities of the bees in a beehive elsewhere in the gardens, are picked by something tracking their vibrations and sent to The Hive so we can experience them. I am not sure I got any of that.

Home about 8pm and we decided on a kebab. It’s the largest order I have ever placed in a kebab shop and there was a mountain of food as a result: 3 chicken shish kebabs, a lamb delight and a chicken delight, and four portions of chips (one with cheese).  Obviously., delicious as always.

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