Pride Opening

Given Pride is such a colourful event, I am not sure why I have gone with a black and white photo but I quite like it.  We started the day with a bacon bap, or similar, looking out at Ryde Marina. Then we went and wandered the shops before stopping on Union Street to watch the parade. It’s obviously very different to similar events in big cities but this has a real community feel and there were quite a few people out on the streets to watch the procession make it’s way to the seafront, where the stage (and unicorns) were located. 

Peter Tatchell, pictured,  opened the event, although I was not sure about the women laughing when he spoke about the death penalty; I realise they were not really paying attention. Entertainment from Utmost Elton was a lot of fun as, to be fair, were lots of the other acts. I probably spent more time watching the stage, sat on the seawall, while the others went back to the flat.

We went to the Dell Cafe for a fabulous lunch overlooking the water, albeit, a little windy.  Initially, they gave us the picnic table, which was free, but moved us onto a more regular table just before our food. Dinner was in Ryde Thai which, as always, is recommended. It was busier than I’ve seen it and a nice end to the day.  We missed Woody Cook’s Pride-closing DJ set because we were still eating.

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