
By Nettenet



J & I have birthdays one month apart and decided this year to treat ourselves to a spa instead of buying each other a pressie.  She booked for an afternoon at Brooklands Hotel, next to the museum and race track.

We started off in the sunlight therapy room, enjoying a much needed catch up and a coffee for J and soft drink for me.  Then to the outdoor hot tub overlooking the track. Back to the therapy room for 10 minutes before going off for our treatments. Not sure what to expect but it was a whole body treatment.  First a scrub, then shower off, lotion rubbed in, wrapped up in sheets all snuggly whilst you have a head massage and finished with warm oil massaged in.  Heaven!  We then had 20 minutes in the meditation room where we relaxed on heated water beds. They were very comfy.  We ended with time in the sunlight room and a glass of Prosecco before our time was up and we had to leave.  I dropped J home and came home to have some marmite on toast as I hadn’t eaten anything during the day.

We both enjoyed it and could well possibly visit again.

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