Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


What a day and no photos so just took this very poor one of the moon out of the window... Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.
Everything started well, we got up on time, left the house sitter in charge and got our taxi to the station. We settled very comfortably into our bargain first class seats, the man had just arrived with his refreshments trolley and we were ready to go. And we didn't. Five minutes before we were due to leave there was a fatality at Kingsknowe Station a couple of miles down the line. We sat for a while then an announcement came that the line to the southwest via Carstairs was closed for the foreseeable future.
We headed off with our luggage and jumped on the next train to Glasgow Queen Street where we were assured our tickets would be honoured by a different train company.
The train was packed as it had a large number of our passengers as well as those who were no longer able to take the train to Central and it's own passengers too. Still we got a seat. When we arrived at Glasgow Queen Street we grabbed a taxi to the other Glasgow station, Glasgow Central , along with a fellow passenger who by some remarkable coincidence is going on the same holiday as we are.
When we got to Central, we headed for the information desk who sent us to the next London train . That train was definitely packed as there were other cancellations going on too, but we managed to get seats in their premium class. There was the 1st class layout of 3 seats to a row instead of 4 so we had space, we also had a table seat. Just as we left the station we heard there was no catering on board. I was very glad I'd made us some sandwiches and brought along some biscuits. We were given a free bottle of water each, so all was not lost.
We had to change trains at Preston for Manchester Airport, but that was ok, we had 24 minutes. By the time we reached Preston though that had reduced to just 4!. Fortunately we made it by the skin of our teeth including running down a ramp and then back up the stairs to the other platform, phew.
From then on, all went smoothly. We arrived three hours later than we should have, but that didn't really matter, we are now safely ensconced in our airport hotel. We've plenty of time as our flight is at tea time tomorrow. Hopefully that will be a less stressful day.
I can't help thinking of the person who died at the station and those who loved them ..., and of the train driver who must be completely traumatised.

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