Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

clear out

From two China cabinets this was most of the cull. I'm really going to have to do better. I emailed the girls to see if they wanted any of these and they only wanted one thing in total between them - the scarab. They just don't do 'stuff' no matter how hard I encourage them! The frog was a memento of my sister, her name was Freda, known to all as Freddie and the word frog fell naturally after that. I hasten to add I have several other frogs.
Personally I like the stone hedgehog and the little ceramic duck box. Into the charity shop bag they have gone though, they really are junk and I have no idea why I kept them!
Spent more time tossing and clearing to prepare for carpet cleaning. Some things will not be moved though, can't see them ever being moved until we sell the house at some distant point in the future .
Josie and Ali visited to pick up the leggings I'd got in the sale at Sainsbury's - they are having one of their 25% off everything times. Two of the sets of three which I bought her had already been reduced to 50% so another 25% off meant that they were practically free. Josie wears them all the time under dresses, very sensible.

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