Man Cave

I have never really experienced a lunchtime environment quite like the one I did today. I had finished art class this morning and was going with my mom to do some shopping for Father's Day. We had already been to one store and got back in the car to head over to another when I realized I hadn't had lunch and was hungry. I don't really care too much about where we go as long as they have some relatively healthy choices.
There were two places close by, the first one, Joe's Crab Shack, I had been to before and didn't really care for. Having never been to the second place I figured why not give it a try. It was called Brick House Tavern and Tap. Upon entering I immediately noticed my mom and I were the only females in the place with the exception of the waitresses who were obviously hired according to their measurements. After being seating we were given menus and when I looked for a salad I didn't see any at first. The reason was because it was under the title roughage. Ha, silly me.
The waitress who took our order seemed somewhat disappointed to be serving us (I'm sure the men tip better) and didn't even crack a smile. I started looking around the place and on the walls there were painted quotes that read; a woman drove me to drink and I forgot to thank her. Along with; Women and cats will do as they please and men and dogs should relax and get used to it. I didn't mind the giant framed poster in the ladies room (I was happily surprised they even had a ladies room) which was of a shirtless young guy with an incredible six pack. However the thing that really made me laugh was the sign I chose for my blip. An entire row of parking spaces dedicated for motorcycles that read; Park Your Motorcycles here all others will be siphoned of fuel. Ironically the food was decent. Will I be going back...hmmm, no.

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