
By MumOf4Wildlings


We didn't plan on doing much today as we had to wait for royal mail. The wildlings were waiting for their Halloween costumes to arrive. They were excited when they came. 

  The jedi never asks for anything but yesterday there was a advert for Thomas and friends train set up. £120 . No way. So I thought I would try Facebook Market place. And. Would you believe someone was selling one for £20 . They even delivered it as they were driving past our way. So it's now stored in our garage for his Christmas.  It's a massive setup. 

We had a play at the giant park today. The deal was if the wildlings behaved when in tesco I would take them to the park on the way home. We ended up playing there for nearly an hour. The jedi saw a friend from the nursery.  Who is very much like Carson.  He was with his grandparents, and they wanted to pick my brain about autism,  as its all new to them. So I answered their questions as best as I could. 

I'm bunged up with the jedis cold, so I will be having an early night tonight 

Oh and Harp got her hair done

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