
By MumOf4Wildlings


Two of the wildlings thought it would a good idea to sneak downstairs before 4.30am this morning.  I sent them back to bed , but that was me awake and I couldn't get back over. I did wake them before 8am as we were meeting friends at dalscone.  
Harp loved getting together with her bf Alexander.  They haven't seen each other in a few weeks. The boys had a great time. It's pumpkin picking too so they all chose some pumpkins . The jedi kept taking them and lining them up in a different place.  
The bigger wildlings saw some friends from school so they had a play with them for a while. 

I was super proud of the wildlings feeding the animals. Harp and the jedi use to be scared of them and its taking years to build up to this. The jedi kept shouting " I'm feeding the horses and little llamas ". To everyone else they were donkeys and little goats. Hehe. But he is dead set on that's what they are. 

I've had a afternoon of tidying and organising the kitchen. I got some baskets from dunelm and sorted above the cupboards and counters and everything looks neater. I should have mowed the lawn but that can wait until tomorrow.  

3 of the wildlings are having homemade soup for dinner. The only bonus of being up early is having two large pots of soup cooked before 8 am. 

I've added a extra of my final frames. I want to get more and have them going up my stairs. 

It's bath and hair washing tonight for the wildlings.  Oh the joys 

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