The Bunker House...

Looks far less 'bunkerish' from the front. The house is on a fairly steep hill, so the back is mostly open foundation covered with siding, hence our name for it. We walked by there this morning to see what they were doing there and were surprised to see a long row of yew trees being planted between the street and the house and stretching down in front of the lot next door. There were also a lot of olive trees, still in tubs, and other shrubs sitting around in front of the house. Sadly, none of this planting does anything to shield the back of the house and the camper van seemingly abandoned below it from us. They seem to feel it necessary to leave many lights on all night . We've partially solved the problem by opening the umbrella outside our bedroom, but it has a tendency to levitate in the wind so will have to be closed again in that case. 

I did like the overview of Wildwood Mountain with its vineyards and the sky with its wispy clouds. There were lots of upper level lenticular clouds yesterday afternoon, but the winds they foretold never materialized at ground level.

Covid and flu shots tomorrow after Kathy and a return visit to the flesh eating dermatologist on Wednesday. I fear I have a similar squamous cell cancer on my left ankle while the one on the right is still healing. I also have to have blood drawn for a visit with the internist next week.  I may be feeling like a pincushion by the time it is all over. 

It's been quite chilly the last few nights, but I've been resisting changing to warmer bedding until the new duvet cover I ordered arrives. It takes forever to get the king size duvet into it and I don't want to do it more than once. Also it's supposed to be in the 90's  later in the week....

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