That Was Yesterday

One more photo from the weekend as, apart from walking Paddy, we didn’t do much today. A lie in, long hot shower and a full laundry basket about the only productive bits.
Cleaning and returning all the equipment to the right storage takes time, some of it needs cleaning beforehand.
Mrs S and I are enthused as we always are when we return from a trip. We will be looking a different awning, bigger windbreaks etc, just bits and pieces. The van is equipped so that we can just get in and go.
A quiet day with a sense that something is looming, I enjoy the quiet days, they are all too few and far.

The early evening was spent at the cinema, Movie Magic Monday, two for the price of one. Mrs S and I opted for The Great Escaper with Michael Caine in what he has said will be his last film and the late Glenda Jackson. A real feel good film that I highly recommend.

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