Happy 9th birthday James

A busy day of body maintenance. Dental check-up, Saks and hairdresser.

Then off to pick James up from school. We took him for an ice cream as it was his birthday then he saw some people he knew playing football in the park so he joined them for a bit before we walked home.

He’d had a great day as he was one of the 2 boys in his year selected for an inter-school cross country competition. We never quite know what’s real or fantasy with him - he said they went to Scotland but I think it was more likely to be South Shields. The headteacher took the group and apparently there were year groups from 3-11 there. His number was 194 and he said he came 8th. We’ll never know! It’s great he takes going to such events in his stride and so good for him to excel in an area when he struggles with written work. His reading is better though.

It was great to see #2 daughter looking well after her operation and back to work. James had a goal net for his birthday so Mr C got that set up for him in the garden and he and Thomas played there till we got the takeaway Indian, James’s choice. He was thrilled with the headphones we got him. We did the cake and he showed me his football kit - away strip and the whole thing, provided free as he’s in the team. He’s had a great day. He says his new teacher is very strict and it’s always him that gets told off. (He responds better to the more softly approach - distraction works better with him rather than the heavy-handed style. He’s anxious about middle school next year where they have different teachers for different subjects, some of whom might not know the nature of his special needs.)

We’ll be late home and I get the train tomorrow. I can pack in the morning.

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