
By windychickens

Uber day

Was left on my own for the first part of the day but at 1.30pm, the delegation plus me all met up and scad addled to catch a cable car up the Chandragiri Hills (not really hills in my mind but compared to Everest, just along the range … they’re hills!)

The lift took us up into clouds and the views were spectacular for the ride up and then only as clouds cleared for fleeting moments.

So up and then down and along the valley towards the monkey temple, aka Swayambhu. The roads were awesomely bad, so bumpy the van swayed from side to side, but we got there and climbed again. Loved the monkeys. Had some fun with some babies that reminded me of the scampy’ness of Thierry. One head butted his mother and then went head first into her lap, twisted and kicked and was just funny. :-)

After absorbing the beauty, the views and cultural significance, we clambered back into the van and headed to Boudhanath Stupa and wandered around there before finding a restaurant high up with views to grace our supper.

Home to pack for an early morning but goodbyes said to the delegation. A good use of the day. The journeys from one port of call to another were all so interesting with endless photos taken and many scenes wished to memory. :-)

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