a new year!

By Thesalh70

on a 'lap' wing and a prayer....

oh.....dear.......NEVER drinking again!

even without Pete, i still wake up 7.30am (went to bed at 2.30am!). i was in a sad state. and, i had a raging hunger. Cooked up some eggs and bacon, and was still marvin after that!

Li bought Pete back, and to be honest i was willing her to leave....not sure whether to be sick or not (sorry sis...you knew i was hanging!).

held my resolve, and decided a Big Mac would kill or cure.....headed off to Macs.

after Big Mac extravaganza, i head home and then off for a walk with Pete. we walked towards the wood but took a detour, as i had a sudden notion he needed a new bowl from Pets at Home! we trundled across a field, and felt intimidated by some birds above, squawking and flying in ever decreasing circles heading for Pete.....managed a few shots, and turned out to be lapwings.

we made it to ikea park, and Pets at Home. i treaed Pete to his first ice cream and then we headed home.

shower, change and off to Mrs Burton's BBQ. a perfect end to a perfect weekend!

home and couldn't keep my eyes open after 9pm....Zzzzzz....perfect weekend!

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