a new year!

By Thesalh70

a very special day, in more ways than one!

first of all... HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my wonderful dad!! he would've been 75 today. his last birthday, his 70th, was a similar June day, warm, bright, and sunny...as June should be!

alarm set early, and off for a glorious walk to the wood and back with Pete. whilst out walking, i decide a Macdonalds breakfast is the order of the day to prepare me for the wedding of Rachel and Ian later!

as usual, when i have time on my hands, i seem to 'faff' around too much, and in the end i left myself little time to get ready. slight panic as we picked Lynn up, not knowing for sure what time the wedding started....was it 1pm or 1.30pm!! oh god, and the traffic to the Carriage Hall was horrendous!!

finally made it, and right from the start felt a mixture of nerves, excitement and emotion. I've took my camera, wanting to get some fab shots of Rach. She enters the hall looking stunningly beautiful (as we knew she would).

from there, the day carried on being perfect....perfect company, perfect food, perfect speeches, perfect DJ!, simply perfect!

all in all, i took 700 or so pics....i'm sure 500 or so of those must've been whilst i was taking shots on the dancefloor.....prossecco fuelled!!

we are the last women/man standing...me, Lynn and Col, left at 1.15am....

i get in after 2am...and make a cuppa i've no intention of drinking, and take headache pills.....

(have distorted this pic, from the original one i took)

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