Place: Greenville, SC 63/79
Main activity: Thurs - eggs, Earthwise, thrift store, Ingles
Notes: Woke early but didn't get up right away. Took Lizzy out tho she didn't want to walk much. Got ready and she and I left around 845a to pick up her raw lamb at the pet food store (Earthwise). Stopped at the little Crossroads by Publix on the way and got a dozen eggs from them (I think they're pastured eggs). After we got back, I had coffee and then headed the other direction to check out the thrift store again on Butler - found one more flannel shirt and 2 glass items. Went next door to Ingles (supermarket) then - first time there - and got a fresh pomegranate (they were on sale for $2.98 tho had to sign up for their card). Came back and cut up the pomegranate. Decided on a liquid day and had some bone broth while Lizzy ate a cup (yayy!) and then had some kefir. Partly cloudy a lot of the day so didn't feel so hot. Mood is still fairly low. Joe called in the afternoon, he's in CA - we chatted 40 min. To bed early.

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