Place: Greenville, SC 60/83
Main activity: Wed - TJs, Whole Foods, Lizzy bath
Notes: Awake again thru the night and then slept late, weird vivid dreams - feeling like I'm on another planet a lot of the time. Tried to walk Lizzy but she had no desire of going further than to pee in the front yard. Got ready and headed to TJs - has been quite awhile I've been intending to go but then wanted to wait to hear about Kathy's release so I could decide what to get (and not to get). Was planning to keep it minimal but walked out at $93 and then remembered I forgot a gift card for Mic's bday so went back in. On the upside, the guy bagging my stuff was talking to me and when he heard I was here helping Kathy, he went and got this batch of flowers and gave them to me for her! Continued on then to Whole Foods and only got a couple things but still spent almost $30. Quiet day then, had coffee and cooked Lizzy's chicken breast and gizzards. Watched some BeyondMystic on Rumble as well as the private channel and Tarot by Janine. Had a hummus sprouts wrap w/ some of the leftover roasted chicken - was really good and trying to use up things. Took shower and then pulled Lizzy into tub and gave her a bath - she did well. I had to rinse off again after she shook twice and got dog water all over me! Relaxing rest of day, heard from Jo minimally - she's been going thru something ... who hasn't? Tired and to bed early.

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