Place: St Pete Beach, FL 67/81
Main activity: Wed - Costco w/ Joe
Notes: Am on day 3 (of 3) of a dry fast and woke up feeling pretty weak and out of it. Tried qigong but had to lay down shortly into it. Tried again but was a no-go. Rested and then got ready when Joe picked me up around 915a. The usually smooth trip south had the interstate all backed up (never saw why) for miles and miles. We finally exited and did the excursion in Costco (pic is of the Skyway bridge from the south as we were returning) - I picked up all the things Bette wanted and got some steak (filets) for myself to have a little red meat every now and then and some Keto bars (choc sea salt caramel) but will probably not have any food until Sun or so. Will be so glad to get thru this day and be able to drink water again - today is definitely the worst so far but feels like a good healing reset at the cellular level. After today will do several days of clear liquids, supplements and electrolytes only. Came back and napped for about an hour. Am talking to real estate agent and looking into options to see how I might be able to line up a place when this one is no longer available. The site that can help will not allow my registration to go thru.

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