
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 72/91
Main activity: Fri - work, packing, pool
Notes: Woke early and stomach was hurting, bit of headache and body achy - talked to Jo on Signal call for awhile about the fear I'm feeling and that's showing up physically for me - ended up on toilet a couple times before going back to bed and did sleep a bit more. Up then just before 8a, made coffee and got a bit of a late start on some work stuff and the new Eventbrite created for rescheduled SpeakOUT - Eventbrite has done nothing to reopen the event like they promised days ago. Had more updating also of images and flyer to reflect the new date and new QR code - also posted finally for this as well. Had more updates and re-do's for BranchOUT also and some of the Poppy (comedian) show info and media. Went over to Eric & Linda's 1215p to tell them I was leaving and they were great, as usual and offered to help in any way. Went to the pool then for a bit until Susan needed more done right away. Kept packing and organizing after that - Ellen made it to Sam's and was able to 4 more big storage bins for me thankfully! I ate late, warmed up some of the carnivore pizza - very good - and finished the last piece of carnivore cake (other half tho in the freezer). Showered ~430p, hard to believe I'm actually getting ready to move out. Prop mgr still hasn't gotten back to me on the end of month notice. Some scattered showers here and there thru the afternoon. Feeling a bit tired but much better than this morning! Streamed some shows and then to bed early.

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