
By IainatCreel


Thanks to all of you who have commented on my holiday Blips.  It was beyond the call of duty free.  Special thanks to Blippers Spander and Forgo63 who helped fund my trip.  I will endeavour to catch up with everyone over the next few days.  Once I have caught up with you I will let you go as I know you like being chased.

After three flights in 24hrs; Toronto to Heathrow / Heathrow to Aberdeen / Aberdeen to Kirkwall we have set our clocks to daylight saving time in Manitoulin Island.  The only hiccup has been the non-arrival of CMC’s suitcase in Kirkwall.  Loganair are investigating.  Well, they say they are.  I have come home with a cold, but after jam packed airport lounges, and flights, I am happy to test negative for covid.

Cast your minds back to March 1966 when Raymond Baxter presented another live edition of Tomorrow’s World.  Slightly controversially the studio had constructed a wooden maze.  They placed white rats within the maze to study their reaction / antics.  I am very happy to report that their endeavours were put to very good use.  It directly advised the design of Terminal 2 in Heathrow.  Which was utter Bedlam.  Whoever owns and operates the Terminal has endeavoured to boost profits by stripping out the human element.  Machines now check you in, weigh the cases etc.  Sorry, the passengers have to do all the work.  The majority of the machines were out of order.  It was patently obvious that the few humans on duty were overwhelmed with folk asking questions, waving fists etc.

Over the last month CMC and myself have dined out on some good quality food and also eaten some supra-processed product.  So, after my visit to the polytunnel, you can all understand why tonight it’s mince ‘n clapshot.

Valerie Singleton is 86.

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