
By IainatCreel

To the Village

When CMC had departed for her piano lesson, I walked up to the village.  Tonight overnight wind gusts are forecast to be 52 mph, so many of these leaves will be making their last appearance. 
A great deal of today was taken up by a totally unforeseen occurrence regarding future plans for the Heritage endeavour at the Hoy Kirk.
As many of you can imagine the traffic volume we saw in Toronto / Vancouver / London etc were anathema to us.   It was maybe not coincidental that some folk we met (who were more acquainted with heavy traffic) commented upon this.  Traffic calming / better public transport etc were the usual topics discussed.  The only offer I could make to the conversation was to say ‘We ony see one vehicle during the day’.  Which is true; even then if the postie doesn’t arrive we see none.  It was a bit of a conversation stopper.
Tomorrow’s whisky event has been cancelled.
Susan Stranks is 84.

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