
October! I turned over my "Otter" calendar to find another lovely photo of that adorable dog :-) and my Dad sent me a text to say "Rabbits!" as he does on the first of every month.

This month is usually the last one before the dark dankness of November, when the world turns from orange, yellow and red to brown and muddy until about March. We haven't lit the fire or turned on the heating yet, but I must be thinking about it, because today I filled up the big log basket and also some boxes of smaller bits of wood and one with twigs, cardboard and paper for starting the fire. All that exercise warmed me up - it was already about 17 degrees and sunny outdoors and we had our morning coffee outside while watching Red Admirals flitting about on the Michaelmas daisies.

After lunch I went to Dalswinton, where I decided to see how quickly I could walk 5 miles. It was 1hr and 25 mins and I was very sweaty afterwards. Note to self: bring water next time. Thankfully D had made me a pint of fruit tea on the kitchen table which I downed all in one go as soon as I got back home.

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