breaking the fast

This evening I cooked us revithada (Greek Chickpea Stew) which as other blippers already know, is one of our family's favourite dishes. It is always associated (for us at least) with homecoming, so I thought it was appropriate. We both usually fast from Thursday night to Saturday breakfast (me) or Saturday tea (D), but yesterday I ate breakfast at my Mum and Dad's before I left, so this was my first meal since then. We both shared a can of Coke Zero which was a present to D from our lovely sweep, who came to do the chimney while I was away. D and he chatted for a couple of hours :-) Our dessert was a bowl of strawberries with Greek style soya yoghurt and granola. I bought the strawberries because I thought they would probably be the last British ones in the shops until next summer.

Jess and I had a nice forest walk this morning before the rain started, and then she came with me in the car to do the weekly food shop. I'm sure she has enjoyed keeping D company but I think she was also glad to see me back. I wonder if dogs know that we will return from our holidays or do they think we're gone forever? We had to leave our first dog with my in-laws for a whole year when we went to live in the USA in 1993 and they were too scared to let him off the lead in case he ran away.

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