A new adventure

After morning chores and nipping into town I met with Nicoiseannie at Moggerhanger Park.

Just as we got there the rain came down, so we headed into the cafe for a catch up first, then got our blips on the way back.

Unfortunately the sun was a little lower in the sky by then but I’m still pleased with this main shot of the walled garden, even if I did have to stand in the iris flower bed to get the right angle. No one was watching though and I was very careful :-)

In extras a close up of the black eyed Susan which looked stunning in the border and against the wall.

So, now I’ve spoken to my bestest blip friend, I can go public so to speak with our news. We’ve set a date for closing the business and ‘retiring’ - the end of this year. It’s a huge step, we will have chalked up 40 years in November, but the time has come.

AND, we’ve decided where we are going to be living. Saltburn by the Sea. North Yorkshire. So in about 12 weeks, hopefully before Christmas, it will be goodbye Bedfordshire which has been my home for 59 years and off to pastures new. Still a few details to confirm, not least a completion date, but we are fairly confident it will work out on dates and more details will follow over the coming days.

Excited, apprehensive and sad (to be leaving my best friend) in equal measures at the moment.

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