
After I cut down that weed last weekend, it did bloom. 

I had a great meeting with my youth model and I am so psyched for what we are going to do. It is going to be freaking awesome. We will create FIRE.

I used to work with his mom 20 years ago. It was awesome to see her and her husband too. He is my Youth Advisor. 

Ukrainian forces have regained control of several gas and oil offshore drilling platforms close to Crimea. They've been occupied since 2015. Ukraine also captured helicopter munitions and a radar system that can track the movement of ships in the Black Sea.
Two merchant ships approached Ukrainian ports today, the first civilian vessels to use a temporary shipping corridor in the Black Sea after the end of the grain deal with Russia. They are named Resilient Africa and Aroyat. They will load nearly 20,000 tons of wheat for Africa and Asia. 
Poland will ban Russian-registered cars from entering the country starting tomorrow. Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania have similar restrictions to stop Russians from dodging sanctions. 

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