don't it feel good!!

I'm done with work.
I don't have to go to work on Monday, when I first asked for time off it covered Monday through the end of the month. I did this a billion years ago so that no matter what was happening at this time my vacation would be approved and locked in. 
Grinning all day long. 

I actually probably will work Monday....but I don't have to. 

Ok, the lemon avocado recipe w/o too much salt is great. The pepper I accidentally added yesterday - I'm going to add it on purpose in the future. Also, I think two pinches of cayenne is just fine. 

Ukraine destroyed a Russian aircraft known as a "fencer" jet. Ukraine also destroyed 2 Russian howitzers. It was captured on video. The Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces posted the video on Twitter, set to music. 

Zelensky said nearly all of Kharkiv has been freed, including almost 400 settlements and 150,000 Ukrainians. Oryx, the group that verifies military equipment claims using pictures, said Ukraine captured 399 pieces of Russian equipment between September 7 and 11 including 200 that are in good condition. 

Biden promised to support Ukraine without pressuring them to make territorial concessions - which would reward Russia and make it clear that this is a tactic to be used nowadays. 

Indian Prime Minister Modi publicly rebuked Putin. Russia has been able to sell oil and gas to India and China. 

Dmitry Palyuga is a member of the Smolninskoye municipal council. He is a member of a group of St. Petersburg politicians who called for Putin to be fired. A court fined him 47,000 roubles ($780) for “discrediting” the authorities. He has received many messages of support including people pledging money to pay fines and offering to hide him if necessary. He has NOT gotten the torrent of hate he expected. 

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