Lick o Paint on da Mural

Mostly sunny all day, with clouds passing over.  There has been a bitterly cold wind from the north, almost felt like winter! 

Early shift in the airport, and started on the check-in desk again.  I soon moved to meeting and boarding flights.  Back to the check-in desk in the afternoon.  After work, I met mam at Laura's for a cuppa.  A busy day, I've also been working in the shop this evening, and a busy night.  Knackered and bed now calling.

On my way home, I spied someone busy at the primary school, knew it was Trevor (Jamieson), so stopped off for a yarn.  Trevor was busy touching up the old paint work on the school mural, giving it a fresh new look.  The school was opened in 1977, and two other schools have similar murals.  The mural has been made with raised cement, and the lines painted.  I went to primary school here, and we used to run our toy cars along the lines and to see who could win the race.  Trevor has featured in various Blips in the past, when we both worked at the Shetland Museum.  Note Trevor's choice in clothes, winter is defo back!  Trevor at work, outside the Cunningsburgh Primary School.  

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