September Cuppa in da Gairden

A cold morning, but it was calm and sunny.  It warmed up, remained sunny and calm all day.  Winds picking up tonight. 

Day off, slept well.  Almost feeling like myself again, and smells are returning to my nose.  I headed down to mam's after breakfast, mam and Shaun were along.  We headed out for a walk.  In the afternoon I collected some things for the Cunningsburgh Village Club, from Lerwick.  Walkies in the afternoon, we delivered some leaflets for mam, popped along aunt Joan and Gibbie, also a cuppa at Madeline's.  Got the rubber boat up tonight, before the gales tomorrow, then nipped down to Laura's.  Feet up now. 

A beautiful day to be off work, and made the most of it.  Some years a day like this in September can be a rarity, so a morning cuppa in the sunshine was a very warm welcome.  Mam, Sammy, Laura and Olly in mam's garden, Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

Extra photos are from last night's mirrie dancers (northern lights) display, about 1240am.  

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