Rainbows Over Clapphoull

Mostly sunny all day, but there has been the odd shower passing over.  Windy to flat calm tonight.  Chilly today, especially tonight.

Up early, briefly popped by Laura's on my way to work.  Another late shift in the airport.  Mostly meeting and boarding flights, all pretty much on time.  Walkies with Sammy, then feet up by the fire.  Reports of Northern Lights, hopefully the sky will stay clear.  Still no real sense of smell, and covid cold is still lingering.  

As I pulled up into Laura's road, a shower was passing over, along with it a stunning rainbow, which had the start of a double.  Someone close to me is close, or at least that's what I was always told as a bairn.  Taken at Clapphoull, Cunningsburgh.  

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