Looking Down on Stove

Almost had a wintery feel this morning, with a chilly wind.  It got better, even some sunny spells, and lovely sunny, calm evening. 

Another early shift in the airport.  I've been working on the check-in desk all day, and a fairly quiet day of passengers.  Walkies with Sammy after work.  I made mam's old bread pie for tea tonight.  Not as good, but not bad for a first attempt.  An evening working in the shop, and a quiet evening there too.  Off to bed early again. 

I took a slight detour on my way home, trying to chase the sunshine.  It was mostly cloudy as I headed home, but I did see a few glimpses of sun.  As I snapped this photo, the sun sneaked out to brighten the day.  Looking down to Stove, from Rompa, Sandwick.  

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