At the allotment

A productive day. It was very chilly at 8am..about 14C so I turned out a cupboard and discarded various dry goods…lentils, rice etc which had very out of date sell by dates. I needed to wear socks and jeans today.

I then went to the allotment. This summer we have had spells when it’s been too wet to do much work there and the last week has been so hot. My aim was to dig the remaining potatoes but…the ground was rock hard so I only dug a few and then started clearing various self seeded plants such as poppies and marigolds. The runner beans are nearly finished so some of the plants went in the compost bin, but I picked six courgettes.

The sunflowers and Cosmos are still looking good. They have been a real success growing from seed this year. I spent quite a while dead heading the Cosmos to keep them going a while longer …probably cut off 200+ dead flowers.

Back home I did more chores and have also revisited my family tree on Ancestry as I keep getting email hints and need to look at them. Next week I will be going to a family gathering for a funeral so want to look up a few things about cousins and their children.

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